
Working Papers

Below you'll find brief previews of some forthcoming work. I'm not ready to publicly share any of this work yet, but it will be made available as soon as possible!

Basic Isn't Easy: Universities, Basic Research and Innovation (theory - Version to be presented at icssi 2024)

Why are firms increasingly looking to universities as a source of basic research?

Despite vastly different policy mixes, American and Canadian universities have undergone similar reorientations. Why? 

On their shoulders but at arm's length? Zero-Sum Orientation and the scientific elite (experimental)

How do scientists and non-scientists differ in their willingness to pay for science?

How do scientists and non-scientists differ in the way they conceive of the value of science?

Are (non-)scientists receptive to changing their preferences? When others' preferences differ from their own?

Paths and Boundaries in Science: Evaluating the ''Borders'' of a National Granting Agency (Empirical/Observational)

(How) Do differences in the 'directedness' of a national granting agency effect scientific outcomes?

P-Hacking and political economy Above .049(th parallel) (empirical/observational)

How could we characterize the prevalence of p-hacking in Canadian academia? 

Are there sources of heterogeneity in the prevalence of p-hacking? 

Should public funders of science engage in different practices to enhance the credibility of a public science?

Innovation's Dark Matter: Trade Secrets(theory)

What role can public policy play in bringing innovative secrets to light?

What would we expect to happen if more innovations were disclosed?


Below you'll find links to opinion pieces and other writing I've contributed to!

An editorial I contributed to the Canadian Science Policy Centre as part of their Summer Series (2023) on AI governance.